Why You Should Never Sleep With The Light On

Is there really any harm in sleeping with the lights on? We’ve probably all done it from time to time because we’ve fallen asleep without meaning to, and the lights in the room were still on at the time (or perhaps the TV was playing, which is also a light and counts for the purposes of this article). Surely it can’t actually do anything bad to us, can it? 

 The truth is that sleeping with any kind of light on in the bedroom is bad for us, and can cause a variety of different health problems. Read on to find out what they are and then try to reduce the amount of light in your bedroom as much as you can. 

It Causes Hormonal Imbalance 

When the sun goes down, the pineal gland in the brain starts to produce melatonin. This hormone is important because it helps to keep your circadian rhythm on track (the circadian rhythm is the body’s internal clock, and it tells you when you’re tired and when it’s time to wake up). Melatonin is also important when it comes to keeping your blood pressure in check, preventing inflammation, and with reproduction. Not having enough melatonin can make scoliosis symptoms worse too, which is why, when you get help from experts who use the Schroth method, you’ll need to make sure you sleep with the lights off to get the most benefit. 

 When you sleep with the light on, the brain doesn’t actively register that it’s nighttime. Therefore, the body doesn’t produce enough melatonin. This means you don’t sleep well and you can become unwell for other reasons, as we mentioned above. 

 It Increases Blood Pressure 

Because melatonin helps to regulate your blood pressure, when you don’t have enough, your blood pressure will rise – this is therefore directly linked to sleeping with the light on. Rather than your blood pressure reducing when you are asleep, it can actually rise, and even if that doesn’t cause any direct issues such as a heart attack or a stroke, you certainly won’t feel rested, and you may well wake up with a headache and aching joints. 

 When you turn all the lights off and remove any screens from your room, you’ll sleep better, be more healthy, and wake up feeling a lot more refreshed, leading to a more enjoyable and productive day. Just make sure that if there are any lights outside that might be shining through your window, you invest in some blackout curtains to stop it from disturbing you. 

 It Can Trigger Migraines 

Many people like to use their phone or tablet in bed or watch TV in their rooms just before falling asleep. If you like to do this, we understand; it is fun. However, it’s also unhealthy, and it can trigger migraines, so it’s best to stop it as soon as you can. You might need to reduce your screen usage gradually, as it can become something of a habit, but it is worth the hard work this might entail. 

 All of these devices emit blue light, and this will cause oxidative stress. This means that your body can’t efficiently flush out toxins, and that is what can trigger your migraine. It might also cause eye strain and, in severe cases, might lead to blindness. 

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