Setting Young Adults Up for the Future: Things You Need to Teach Your Kids In Adolescence

Parenting is a full-time job – even when your kids no longer need you to feed and water them, they can still massively benefit from any support you can offer them. For the first few decades of their life, you are setting them up to go it alone when they come of age. This is through various means, and your teachings will stay with them forever. So, it’s important that you make a conscious effort to instil good habits and helpful advice from day one. Here we are going to look at some of the things you need to focus on teaching your kids as they get a little bit older, transitioning from child to adult.


Pensions are something that all of us need to think seriously about at some point in our lives, so it’s important that you explain how they work and the importance of having one to your children as they reach adulthood. Creating a solid pension plan is something that is often vital for financial security in later life, and the earlier they are set up, the better. By giving your youngsters a better idea of the way pensions work and how they can be contributed to, they can then take the initiative. You should make your kids aware, though, that their work income isn’t their only form of investment for later life. They can set up their own pension, along with ISAs or stocks to try to multiply their money. They need to understand the potential risks and gains to be made with this though before committing.

Life Skills

Cooking, cleaning, communication, and so on… It’s critical that your child has at least some grasp of these skills – start teaching them from a young age to give them the best start in life. This will not only help them with their day to day but it will enhance their education and work as they are more prepared for what life will throw at them.

Money Management

When it comes to money management, your kids need to be aware of the value of money, as well as how to budget accordingly. If they are extremely frivolous with their spending, perhaps due to being spoiled from a young age, then they could find themselves in trouble when they hit the red. Don’t let them take money for granted. Perhaps give them pocket money when they complete chores around the house, or encourage them to live within their means.

Right From Wrong

Raising your children with set morals in place allows them to realize right from wrong. Kindness, honesty, and empathy are personality traits that are desirable, for example. By encouraging good behaviour and trying to set a great example, your children should be able to pick up positive habits. Just remember though – nobody is perfect and this includes your kids. Try to appreciate the goodness that they do display instead of focusing on elements they may be lacking in. This will create a stronger bond between you, even when they do fly the nest.

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