Rode Hall & Gardens Snowdrop Walk

Looking for a snowdrop walk in CheshireRhode Hall & Gardens snowdrop season will run from 1st February to 1st March 2025.

rhode hall snowdrop walk cheshire

It is a beautiful mile long walk through a blanket of snowdrops which cry out that spring is on its way.

I always think of them as little hats for fairies and my daughter loved the sight of them as we walked along the wood chipped path so even though it had been raining the paths weren’t muddy.

rhode hall gardens cheshire

There are over 70 varieties of Snowdrops to discover in the Old Wood, down by The Pool and through Sir Richard’s Walk.

rhode hall gardens cheshire

The courtyard kitchen will be open throughout the Snowdrop Walk season which in 2025 runs until 1st March, and last year they were selling homemade soups, bacon & sausage baps, oatcakes, homemade cakes and hot and cold drinks.

rhode hall gardens cheshire


Business Name: Rode Hall and Gardens

Address: Church Lane, Scholar Green , Cheshire, ST7 3QP

Opening Times:

The Snowdrop Walks runs 1 Feb - 1 Mar Thurs - Sun 10-4pm
Admission £7.50/Children £3/Under 5's free


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