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Messy and Sensory Play

Why is messy and sensory play important?

Messy  and sensory play is great for babies and toddlers alike! It stimulates the senses, develops fine motor skills and allows children to learn in an exploratory way by encouraging curiosity and self discovery.   Here are some top tips from guest blogger Nicole, founder of the Gurgle & Co Facebook Group.

Messy play doesn’t have to be messy!

What about the mess I hear you cry! Yes, it can be messy but there are a few little tricks that can limit the mess:

  • Pick a floor you can easily mop or hoover clean.
  • Buy a cheap PVC table cloth you can put on the floor to act as a cover. I bought a 6ft one in Aldi and it covers the whole of my kitchen floor and adds extra protection.
  • If your child is in a high chair you can just use the high chair tray and offer a small amount of rice or pasta to play with.
  • TidyTots and Tufftrays are great for messy play and limiting the amount dropped on the floor.
  • If your doing any type of water play put old towels down on the floor. Not only does it absorb the water but it also helps to stop the floor from getting too slippy.
  • Have wet wipes, a towel and a change of clothes ready.
  • Trays and under bed boxes are great  for containing the mess.

rainbow rice, messy play, what to do with toddlers

slime recipe, how to make slime, homemade slime, stretchy slime, borax-free slime, cornflour shaving foam slime, 3 ingredient slime, messy slime Looking for some inspiration to get you started?  Check out how to make Rainbow Rice and Stretchy Slime.

Nicole set up the Gurgle & Co Facebook Group  to share ideas on how to create messy, sensory and stimulating play easily at home.  Have a look for lots more great ideas.

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