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BilinguaSing Online

If you’re unable to attend a face to face class when they resume after the Easter break, check out the *NEW* block of Spanish, Italian and French online sessions for ages 0-7 years!

online toddler spanish lesson, online toddler french class

BilinguaSing online virtual course takes place in a closed Facebook group and is jam-packed full of lessons in both French, Italian and Spanish to keep children (and their grown-ups!) entertained and add some much-needed structure to your days at home.

There are lessons in French, Italian and Spanish for babies from birth, toddlers and primary school children (up to age 7 years). The cost of this course gives you FULL access to ALL lessons in both languages without paying a penny more.

Classes are live so you can either follow the daily schedule (see below) or watch on catch up in your own time.

Join the new 6 week online programme starting on Monday 19th April to begin your language learning journey in the comfort of your own home!

The 6 week block costs just £30 with DAILY sessions!

online toddler spanish lesson, online toddler french class

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