7 Fun & Healthy Activities To Do This Summer

Summers are not just about heat, sweat, and getting tan. This sunny season gives you and your family a chance enjoy the warm sunshine by indulging in various activities. Longer days give you more time to enjoy outside and have fun with your loved ones. There’s no shortage of entertaining activities that are both fun and great for your health.

family bike ride, family cycle, famiily sporting activites

Here are 7 such activities to keep you busy this summer while improving your emotional and physical health at the same time.

  1. Go Hiking

What better way to embrace summer than going hiking with your friends or family? Spending time outside in nature is known to improve your physical and mental wellbeing. It also helps to combat stress, which is especially important as we are slowly coming out of lockdown. Hiking costs nothing or virtually nothing, and it keeps you away from screens, and energizes your mind.

Of course, it is important to be prepared when going hiking. You should pick a safe trail, start early, pack light but right, make sure you have checked the weather forecast, and beware of the animals or wildlife in the area. Ensure you have gone through the safety advice and are aware of how to handle any potentially-dangerous situations.

  1. Outdoor Water Sports

There are so many water sports that can help fight the summer heat. Swimming offers many other benefits, such as lowers back pain, helps burn calories, and even relieves stress. If you don’t have a pool at home, head to a friend’s or your local public pool.

Going out to the beach is also a great way to enjoy summer days. If you are more adventurous, then you can also go canoeing or kayaking. Fishing is another wonderful activity that you can do with your family. There are many places where you don’t need a license to fish. Be sure to check with the local authorities before taking your family on a fishing trip!

  1. Join a Sports League

Joining a sports league keeps you moving and is great for your health and wellbeing. Sports also give you the opportunity to improve your physical skills. Whether it is volleyball, baseball, football, cricket, or any other form of sport that you enjoy, go ahead and enrol in a local league.

On the other hand, if you are serious about playing your favourite sport, then can also improve your chances of taking it up as a career. Enrolling in an academy helps you to brush up your skills and makes you more professional. You never know, you might get a chance to play in the Australian Cricket Team or another elite team.

  1. DIY a Kite

Yes, making a kite is great fun, especially when you get your whole family involved. This can be a wonderful experience, and then head to an open space on a windy day to fly your new kite. Going to a somewhere new to fly your kite makes a great excuse to have fun with your family and friends, while getting outdoors and being active.

  1. Go Camping

There is no better way to spend a couple of summer nights than in mother nature. Far from the hustle-bustle of our modern daily lives, camping is a wonderful way to enjoy some peace and quiet. Head to a nearby nature spot with your friends and family, or make a trip further afield.

Light-up acampfire and roast some marshmallows, sing songs, tell stories, play some fun games, and stargaze during the night. Sleeping in tents is something unique that each one of us should experience. Just remember to pack all essentials before leaving home!

  1. Explore Local Places

As much as we love to travel, most people don’t explore the local gems in their area. Get active this summer by exploring the nearby hotspots – you can plan to visit one every weekend. This is also the season for events, so look for places that hold fairs or local festivals.

From local delicacies to cotton candy and crazy rides, there are so many things that you can do. Alternatively, visit a farm and see how fruits and vegetables are grown or spend the day to experience true country life.

  1. Go for a Bike Ride

Bike rides are fantastic exercise, as well as being a great way to spend quality time with your loved ones. This is also a great way to explore new places and get out into nature. Since it’s summer, be sure to carry enough water with you to stay hydrated. You must also take regular breaks and maintain a sensible pace while riding so no one pushes themselves too far. Remember to protect yourself from the sun – use a sunscreen and wear arm skins or full sleeves.

What are you waiting for? Get out and embrace these wonderful activities that are both healthy and fun to do. These are a great way to spend some time with your family or friends, or some precious me time.

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